Hello everyone! I know it’s been ages since I posted
but the truth is there hasn’t been too much to talk about lately. Time here
falls into a rhythm just like home and I’ve been occupying myself mostly with
class. This past weekend I did get the chance to go to London and can’t wait to
tell everyone about it. But, until I post about my trip later this week I
figured I would try to do an informal list of Dos and Don’ts of travelling
that I’ve figured out about while I’ve been here. By no means is this a
complete list and I’ll most likely add to it as my time here passes.
Bring a backpack on your initial journey over.
Not only is it great
carry-on, it’s great to have when you take smaller trips to places while you’re
Know the dates and times of your travel.
We thought our second
train down to London was only 20 min, only to realize it was 2 hrs and 20 min. Needless
to say we weren’t prepared for it.
Keep any needed tickets in easy-to-access areas.
This is especially
helpful when you’re taking the Underground or quickly transferred transportation
services because you don’t want to be the person holding up an entire line
whilst you dig for your ticket.
Book early if you plan on staying in a hostel.
We booked ours days
before we left and ended up in having to carry our backpacks through London
because we didn’t want to travel from Central to South London and back again to
explore the city.
Realize you will get lost.
And it’s okay. It’s the
only way you’re going to really explore a place. As long as you’re with other
people you will eventually figure it out. I led us astray in London and we got
on the wrong Underground tube, but we figured it out and it only took us a bit
longer than normal. It only made us understand the tube that much more.
Bring good walking shoes!
You essentially walk
most everywhere here and it’s much better to just bring something your more comfortable
walking in then having to buy a new pair of shoes to break in while you’re
Budget (and stay on it!)
be honest with this one, although I budgeted how much I was able to spend while
over here, I didn’t budget weekly amounts and have realized I’ve been spending
too much money in the beginning weeks that I’ve been here. Also realize that
there will be costs that you’ll forget about, some here include money for doing
laundry (to wash and dry a single load is about £3.20), miscellaneous food, and
general grooming products (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash,
hairspray, etc.) to name a few.
Travel alone.
Take this as you want,
but I personally found it much more fun to experience different cities with
other people as opposed to being alone. In addition you have comfort in knowing
there are other people around in case you get lost, need to find something,
etc. etc..
Be naïve.
Realize that no matter
where you go people can be shady. Maybe not in Ormskirk per say, but in the
bigger cities you may visit rules are different. Although nothing has been
taken from me I still operate on the idea that pickpockets are most everywhere.
They even broadcast the warning in the train station themselves. Just be smart
about where you’re carrying items at all times.
Over pack.
I’m quite wishy-washy
on this one as I only came to England with one checked bag and a carry-on and
wish I would have brought more. But in my trip to London I wish I would have
brought less because it was such a bother to carry everything. Basically, pack
your essentials in local travelling and I would suggest bringing whatever you
may need for the entirety of your trip (within reason!).
I’ll add more as I go along and figure things out. In addition I’ll
post soon about my trip to London!
Happy Devil's Night to all!