Tuesday, September 10, 2013

At the Starting Point

Goodness me! Where has the summer gone?! I currently have eight (yes eight!) days left before I leave for England and Edgehill University. To be honest I couldn’t be any less prepared than I am right now.

(A tip to anyone starting the process of studying abroad the most important thing is to always be a few weeks advanced of everything. This means, turn in applications early, buy your tickets early, begin packing early, etc. etc. I have found that many of my hurdles have come because I have taken my sweet time a little bit too much. In the end though things have come together nicely and I find myself just over a week out!)

I hope to use this blog as not only a tool for writing down my forthcoming adventures, but to help anyone else looking to take the time to study at Edgehill. I find that a lot of my initial reservations around leaving Michigan stemmed from not know what to expect when I got off the plane in a different country. So, I hope to dispel this fear from others by writing down my experiences and (if need be) explaining the intricacies of the studying abroad experience. That being said, I hope to not only write about the adventures and the misadventures I take while on my own personal journey ‘across the pond’, but also the technical parts that many people question as they sit on their computer stateside.

I look forward to everyone taking the journey with me and hope to answer many of the questions I had for myself when I first started contemplating the idea of studying abroad.

Until next time!

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